Welcome to Hell's Greatest Cookbook!

We are a zine centered around food inspired by the Helluverse! Our goal is to to bring the most infernal recipes straight from our kitchens to yours!



Got a burning question you want an answer to? Find them here on this page! If there are still any questions or if you think we should add to this page, find us on any of our socials and ask!


Q: What is a zine?

A zine is a collection of various pieces of art, including but not limited to fanart, fanfiction, recipes, cosplay, and merchandise collected as a bundle for fans by fans centered around a specific theme.
Q: What is the theme of this zine?

We are a cookbook zine, featuring recipes, writing, and art inspired by the characters of the Helluverse.
Q: How can I contribute?

We welcome all applications! Please apply to contribute by following the link to the contributor app! We are looking for artists, writers, and chefs.
Q: Is there an age minimum? Will there be a NSFW portion of the zine?

All contributors must be age 16+ as is in-line with Helluverse content warnings. As a result of this, the zine will be SFW.
Q: Is this zine for profit or for charity?

Merch artists will be reimbursed at cost + shop price. Beyond that, all leftover funds will go towards overseas shipping and charity.
Q: What are contributor expectations?

All contributors must contribute a piece of work (art, writing, or recipe) that has not been previously published by them. It must be kept a secret within the zine contributors only until permission is given to post.
Please also keep in mind that zines are a huge commitment! We require all contributors to maintain clear and open communication!


Here you will find the planned schedule for this zine. This schedule is subject to change at any point during the process. Thank you for your patience and we hope to continue serving you well!


Interest CheckOctober 1-7, 2024
Mod AppsOctober 4-7, 2024
Contributor AppsOctober 8-25, 2024
Work PeriodNovember 1 - December 13, 2024
Production PeriodDecember 14 - January 14, 2024
Preorder PeriodDecember 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025
DeliverablesJanuary 31 - February 28, 2025


We can't have a good kitchen without a great staff! Find the people helping to make this book happen here! Special thanks to all of the artists who contributed amazing art to our promos and website.


Art Credit
- Charlie and Vaggie: @Reaxlette
- Lucifer and Alastor: @Kellodrawsalot
- Egg Boiz: @sourottenapple
- Head Mod: @Reaxlette
- Writing Mod: @Mixkarules18
- Social Media/Graphics Mod: @fiyah_emb
- Layout Mod: @acwhos
- Discord Mod: @PrismaDahlia
- Art Mod: @anxi_tea0
Team Leads
- Breakfast:
- Lunch:
- Dinner:
- Dessert:
- Snacks:
- Drinks:
Carrd Template Credit
Created based on a tutorial by @lovjbini